Palia: Guide To Cooking (2025)

Quick Links

  • How To Acquire And Use A Campfire

  • How To Acquire The Standard Stove And Prep Station

  • How To Acquire The Mixing Station

  • How To Acquire The Standard Oven

  • How To Cook Food Dishes

  • How To Complete Each Cooking Mini-Game

Many life-sim games offer the ability to cook food, and Palia does as well. Cooking has its own skill, and several quests require cooked dishes to complete, such as needing a Blueberry Pie in the Hunger Pains quest. Food dishes are also key to working with the game's Focus system, and keeping full means you get more experience points.

RELATED: Palia: Plumehound Pilgrimage Quest WalkthroughMany villagers also request or want food dishes gifted to them. In this guide, we'll dive into how the cooking process works, tell you how to acquire the crafters and what recipes they have, and explain each mini-game in cooking, so you can cook up any recipe you come across.

How To Acquire And Use A Campfire

Palia: Guide To Cooking (1)

The first cooking crafter you'll obtain is the campfire. Reth will give it to you during the tutorial quest: Cooking 101.

It will introduce you to your first few recipes, and enable you to start gaining experience in the Cooking skill, and raising your Cooking level once will let unlock the main cooking crafter, the Standard Stove.

To use the campfire, you'll need to select the recipe you want to make, and confirm the cooking. Each dish will take around 10 to 15 seconds to finish cooking, during which time you can do other activities until it's ready to pick up.


How To Obtain It


Sapwood X5, Stone x16, Flint x2, and Plant Fiber x10

  • Sapwood can be foraged from any tree type in Kilima Valley and also from Juniper trees in Bahari Bay.
  • Stone can be mined from any mining node in both Kilima Valley and Bahari Bay.
  • Flint can be mined from mining nodes without ore in both Kilima Valley and Bahari Bay.
  • Plant Fiber can be foraged when cutting down bushes and tiny trees in both Kilima Valley or Bahari Bay.

The campfire has five recipes available for you to cook at it:


How To Obtain

Grilled Mushroom

Acquired during the Cooking 101 quest.

Grilled Meat

Mailed to you by Reth after Cooking 101.

Grilled Fish

Mailed to you by Reth after Cooking 101.

Grilled Oyster

Mailed to you by Reth after Cooking 101.

Fisherman's Brew

Purchased from Einar upon reaching Fishing level five.

How To Acquire The Standard Stove And Prep Station

Palia: Guide To Cooking (2)

Reaching Cooking level two will unlock the first two main cooking crafters you'll be using: the standard stove and the prep station.

The recipe for them can be purchased from Reth's Cooking Guild store for free, and then crafted at a Workbench.


Materials To Make It

Standard Stove

Stone Brick x12, Ceramic x5, and Copper Bar x2

  • Stone Bricks are smelted in any sort of smelter from Stone. Stone can be mined from any mining node across Kilima Valley and Bahari Bay.
  • Ceramic is smelted in any sort of smelter from raw Clay. Clay can be found around Fisherman's Lagoon and the coasts of Kilima Valley.
  • Copper Bar is smelted in any sort of smelter from Copper Ore. Cooper Ore can be found all across Kilima Valley around cliffs and on hills.

Prep Station

Sapwood Plank x12, Copper Bar x2, and Ceramic x12

  • Sapwood Planks can be refined in any sawmill from Sapwood. Sapwood can be foraged from any tree type in Kilima Valley and from Juniper trees in Bahari Bay.
  • Ceramic is smelted in any sort of smelter from raw Clay. Clay can be found around Fisherman's Lagoon and the coasts of Kilima Valley.
  • Copper Bar is smelted in any sort of smelter from Copper Ore. Cooper Ore can be found all across Kilima Valley around cliffs and on hills.

Any cooking crafter can be placed both inside and outside, but due to how cooking works, you'll want to have them in one area where everything can be quickly and easily accessed.

The Standard Stove has 22 recipes available to cook that originate at it:


How To Obtain It

Bacon-Stuffed Mushrooms

Found in a book in the kitchen of the main house on the Family Farm.

Akwinduu Chapaa

Reward from the Discovery quest Lost in the Wind. The quest can be obtained by finding any of the three recipe scraps around Statue Gardens in Bahari Bay.

Steak Dinner

Purchased by Reth upon reaching Cooking level four.

Trout Dinner

Found inside Einar's house on a barrel after getting access to his home during his level three friendship quest, The Pebble.


Complete the Freshwater Bundle in the Vault of Waves.

Hearty Vegetable Soup

Purchased from Reth after completing Cooking 101.

Creamy Carrot Soup

Found on a bookshelf on the right side of the library after completing Caleri's level one friendship quest Manners, Manners, and being mailed a library card from her.

Palian Onion Soup

Found across two paper scraps at Einar's fishing hut at Fisherman's Lagoon in Kilima Valley.

Cream of Tomato Soup

Found in Reth's storage room beneath the inn after reaching friendship level three with him and doing the quest for it, Piece of Cake.

Loaded Potato Soup

Found in a book in the kitchen of Hodari's house in Bahari Bay.


Purchased from Reth after reaching Cooking level three.

Meaty Stir Fry

Purchased from Reth after reaching Cooking level five.

Veggie Fried Rice

Purchased from Reth after reaching Cooking level seven.

Sernuk Noodle Stew

Found in a book on the windowsill in Ashura's room after getting access to it during his level three friendship quest, Capable Courier.

Chapaa Masala

Purchased from Reth after reaching Cooking level eight.

Spicy Stir Fry

Purchased from Reth after reaching Cooking level eight.

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Found inside Hekla's tent after reaching friendship level three with her, or during Jina's level four friendship quest, Cheer Up.

Fish Stew

Fished up from the Bahari Bay coast while using a Worm.

Fried Catfish Dinner

Found in a book near a campfire in Hassian's Grove in Bahari Bay after reaching friendship level three with him.

Ruined Food

Fail at any recipe when cooking. Does not technically count as a recipe but does count as a food dish/junk item.

Chili Oil Dumplings

Purchased from Reth after reaching Cooking level nine.

Spicy Rice Cakes

Obtained from completing the Sear-Chef Bundleafter completing The Catalyzing Caper quest and unlocking the Vault of Flames Bundles.

Stuffed Phoenixfire Peppers

Purchased from Reth after reaching Cooking level seven.

The Prep Station has six recipes available to cook that originate at it:


How To Obtain

Chapaa Onigiri

Complete the Maji Market Foodie stamp card during the Maji Market event by eating all seven savory foods.


Fished up from ponds in both Kilima Valley and Bahari Bay.


Fished up from rivers in Bahari Bay with no bait.

Celebration Cake

Purchased from Reth upon reaching Cooking level nine.

Chapaa Asada Tacos

Purchased from Reth upon reaching Cooking level four.

Fish Tacos

Purchased from Reth upon reaching Cooking level three.

How To Acquire The Mixing Station

Palia: Guide To Cooking (3)

After the stove and prep station, the next cooking crafter you'll unlock is the Mixing Station. You'll need to reach Cooking level three and then its recipe can be purchased from Reth.


Materials To Make It

Mixing Station

Sapwood Plank x20, Copper Bar x2, and Fabric x3

  • Sapwood is refined in any sawmill from Sapwood.
  • Copper Bars are refined in any smelter from Copper Ore.
  • Fabric is refined in a Loom from Cotton. Cotton Seeds can be purchased from Zeki's General Store, or Cotton itself can be purchased from Badruu's Produce Store. The Loom recipe can be acquired from Tish.

The Mixing Station has two recipes available to cook that originate at it:


How To Obtain It

Poke Bowl

Complete the Just Desserts stamp card during the Maji Market event by eating all available food dishes.


Obtained during the Great Human Bake-Off discovery quest. The quest is unlocked by finding and reading the old grocery list at Flooded Steps in Bahari Bay.

How To Acquire The Standard Oven

Palia: Guide To Cooking (4)

The Standard Oven is the fourth cooking crafter unlocked, and it is also obtained from Reth's Cooking Guild store. You'll need to reach Cooking level four, and the recipe will be free to purchase again.


Materials To Make It

Standard Oven

Stone Brick x15, Ceramic x20, and Copper Bar x6

  • Stone Bricks are smelted in any sort of smelter from Stone. Stone can be mined from any mining node in both Kilima Valley and Bahari Bay.
  • Ceramic is smelted in any smelted from raw Clay. Clay can be found in Kilima Valley around Fisherman's Lagoon and the coastline.
  • Copper Bars are smelted in any smelter from Copper Ore. Copper Ore nodes can be found all across Kilima Valley.

The Standard Oven has four recipes available to cook that originate at it:


How To Obtain It

Blueberry Pie

Purchased from Reth after reaching Cooking level six.

Apple Pie

Found in Delaila's room on the counter after reaching friendship level three with Delaila and completing either the Fertile Ground or Berry Blues quests.

Crab Pot Pie

Purchased from Reth after reaching Cooking level five.

Shepp's Pie

Purchased from Reth after reaching Cooking level six.

How To Cook Food Dishes

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Once you've acquired at least the Stove and the Prep Station, you're able to really get into cooking.

Interacting with the stove will bring you to its own menu, where you'll see a list of your available recipes, as well as what ingredients each recipe needs, the cooking mini-games you'll be performing, and the processed versions of ingredients you'll be making.

All recipes will produce three dishes when completed.

The Standard Oven, Prep Station, and Mixing Station act as secondary crafters where you'll take regular ingredients such as an Onion or Chapaa Meat and refine them into a cooking-only version of them.

You also have the choice to use quality versions of ingredients which increase or guarantee getting a star quality product depending on how many you use.

Some recipes, such as Macarons, might require you to use multiple Prep Stations or Mixing Stations.

Pick a recipe to cook, and the process will begin. Each recipe will give you between one and four minutes to complete all its tasks.

Multiple players can cooperate and cook a dish together, speeding up the process and allowing players to share ingredients with each other outside the request system.

Due to the time limit on completing each recipe, having all your cooking crafters in one small area saves you from having to move around a lot.

During this time, you'll need to move around between different cooking stations to prepare the ingredients. For example, if your recipe calls for Chopped Tomatoes, you'll need to move to the Prep Station and chop it up.

On the bottom of your screen, you'll see a list of the all the refined ingredients you have on you.

Some recipes will also want you to interact with them periodically during the cooking process, such as stirring them or flipping them. Not doing so can negatively impact or cause the recipe to fail.

Using Bacon-Stuffed Mushrooms as an example, the recipe asks for any Mushroom, one Butter, any Red Meat, one Tomato, and one Spice Sprout. One way thecooking process can be completed would be:

  1. Chopping up the Tomatoes at the Prep Station.
  2. Chopping the Sernuk or Chapaa Meat at the Prep Station.
  3. Returning to the stove to flip the dish.
  4. Cooking the Sernuk or Chapaa Meat in the Oven to create Bacon.
  5. Chopping the Spice Sprouts at the Prep Station.
  6. Return to the Oven to collect the cooked Bacon.
  7. Adding all refined ingredients into the dish at the stove.
  8. Flipping the dish a final time to complete the process.

Every food dish in the game follows the same general process but with a lower or greater number of steps involved depending on how many ingredients it asks for.

You can multitask with certain ingredient refinements. If a recipe asks you to bake something in the oven, such as Basic Dough or Meat, you can prepare another ingredient while it processes.

How To Complete Each Cooking Mini-Game

Palia: Guide To Cooking (6)

Recipes will require refined ingredients made at the various cooking crafters, and each refined ingredient has its own minigame you'll need to complete in order to obtain it.

Some recipes also require completing one or two of the mini-games during the cooking process once one or more ingredients have been added to the dish.

Mini-Game Screenshot


How To Complete It

Palia: Guide To Cooking (7)


Click the interact buttoneach time with the small blue bar lines up with the larger transparent bar and light up all the circles on the bottom bar.

Palia: Guide To Cooking (8)


Click and hold the interact button until the bowl fills up with blue.

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Click and hold the interact button until your blue circle lines up with the empty circle.

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Click the interact button each time the thin blue bar lines up with the larger transparent bar and light up all the circles on the left-hand bar.

NEXT: Palia: Floating Relic Quest Walkthrough

Palia: Guide To Cooking (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.