Menard's, 2.0 cu ft bags of wood mulch, black, brown, red, $2.21 + $.24 rebate (2024)

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Menard's has 2 cu ft bags of mulch for $2.21. You may also earn a $.24 cent rebate on each bag, paid in form of a Menards credit, bringing total to $1.97/bag.




  • Menard's, 2.0 cu ft bags of wood mulch, black, brown, red, $2.21 + $.24 rebate (3)
  • Menard's, 2.0 cu ft bags of wood mulch, black, brown, red, $2.21 + $.24 rebate (4)

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Menard's, 2.0 cu ft bags of wood mulch, black, brown, red, $2.21 + $.24 rebate (12)

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Joined Jan 2014

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03-27-2024 at 02:00 PM.

03-27-2024 at 02:00 PM.

Any experience with this brand. Menards doesn't do reviews





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Joined Mar 2014

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03-28-2024 at 05:42 AM.

03-28-2024 at 05:42 AM.

If we shop for a bag of mulch, we need to spend 68c for mailing to get a 24c rebate, where the rebate can be only used at Menards. I dont get the rationale of why I need to mail it and if they want to give rebate then give it at the store itself or add it to the account.




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Joined Jul 2007

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03-28-2024 at 08:26 AM.

03-28-2024 at 08:26 AM.

And their prices are inflated the amount of the rebate. Most, tho not all, of the time, Menards is a scam.






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Joined Jul 2007

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03-28-2024 at 08:27 AM.

03-28-2024 at 08:27 AM.

Quote from windowsamazon :

If we shop for a bag of mulch, we need to spend 68c for mailing to get a 24c rebate, where the rebate can be only used at Menards. I dont get the rationale of why I need to mail it and if they want to give rebate then give it at the store itself or add it to the account.

Most folks buy more than one bag, but the point is true.




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Joined Aug 2017

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05-05-2024 at 10:44 AM.

05-05-2024 at 10:44 AM.

Cheapest mulch around. Bagged is easier than bulk. I will buy 30 bags so the savings will be worth it. Plus I will use an old rebate too




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Joined Oct 2007

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05-05-2024 at 05:53 PM.

05-05-2024 at 05:53 PM.

Quote from EricJ3237 :

Any experience with this brand. Menards doesn't do reviews

Is Menards good




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\n If we shop for a bag of mulch, we need to spend 68c for mailing to get a 24c rebate, where the rebate can be only used at Menards. I dont get the rationale of why I need to mail it and if they want to give rebate then give it at the store itself or add it to the account.\n

\n \n \n\nMost folks buy more than one bag, but the point is true.","hideTimestamp":false,"timestampFormatted":"03-28-2024 at 08:27 AM.","isoDatetime":"2024-03-28T08:27:19-07:00","permalink":"/f/17383485-menard-s-2-0-cu-ft-bags-of-wood-mulch-black-brown-red-2-21-24-rebate?p=170040774#post170040774","postId":170040774},"commentSectionCommentFooter":[],"commentIsHelpful":null,"commentGiveRepPopover":{"username":"PuzzleFighter","userAvatar":"/attachment/avatar/2/3/0/1/4/9/150x150/avatar.normal?dateline=1494952278","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"PuzzleFighter posted this comment. Say thanks"},"threadedReply":true},{"commentAuthor":{"avatarUrl":"/images/avatar-150.png","username":"wintersjb","title":"New User","joinDate":"Joined Aug 2017","postCount":2,"profileUrl":"/member.php?userid=12261204","reputationPoints":10,"dropdown":{"giveRepLabel":"Give Rep","alreadyFollowed":false,"followUrl":"/forums/register.php?action_source=Follow+User","profileUrl":"/forums/member.php?u=12261204","sendMessageUrl":"/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=12261204"},"badges":[],"slickdealsVerified":false,"giveRepPopover":{"username":"wintersjb","userAvatar":"/images/avatar-150.png","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"wintersjb posted this comment. Say thanks"}},"commentActions":{"postId":170702703,"replyUrl":"/forums/newreply.php?s=e927c1a51f82ae77b2629aeed1d3e6c2&do=newreply&p=170702703","canReport":false,"commentReactions":{"reaction":{"like":{"id":25,"label":"Like","count":0},"funny":{"id":47,"label":"Funny","count":0},"helpful":{"id":50,"label":"Helpful","count":0},"notHelpful":{"id":26,"label":"Not helpful","count":0}},"form":{"endpoint":"/forums/sdpostrate_ajax.php","method":"POST","inputs":{"ajax":1,"do":"sdpostratevote","postid":170702703,"vote":0,"commentReactionId":47,"controltype":"modern","securitytoken":"","action_source":"Comment Reactions"}}},"isOldPost":true,"directReply":true,"isMod":false},"commentContent":{"htmlContent":"Cheapest mulch around. Bagged is easier than bulk. I will buy 30 bags so the savings will be worth it. Plus I will use an old rebate too","hideTimestamp":false,"timestampFormatted":"05-05-2024 at 10:44 AM.","isoDatetime":"2024-05-05T10:44:16-07:00","permalink":"/f/17383485-menard-s-2-0-cu-ft-bags-of-wood-mulch-black-brown-red-2-21-24-rebate?p=170702703#post170702703","postId":170702703},"commentSectionCommentFooter":[],"commentIsHelpful":null,"commentGiveRepPopover":{"username":"wintersjb","userAvatar":"/images/avatar-150.png","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"wintersjb posted this comment. Say thanks"},"threadedReply":true},{"commentAuthor":{"avatarUrl":"/attachment/avatar/2/5/9/6/4/9/150x150/avatar.normal?dateline=1520712326","username":"peterso2","title":"L3: Novice","joinDate":"Joined Oct 2007","postCount":139,"profileUrl":"/member.php?userid=259649","reputationPoints":69,"dropdown":{"giveRepLabel":"Give Rep","alreadyFollowed":false,"followUrl":"/forums/register.php?action_source=Follow+User","profileUrl":"/forums/member.php?u=259649","sendMessageUrl":"/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=259649"},"badges":[],"slickdealsVerified":false,"giveRepPopover":{"username":"peterso2","userAvatar":"/attachment/avatar/2/5/9/6/4/9/150x150/avatar.normal?dateline=1520712326","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"peterso2 posted this comment. Say thanks"}},"commentActions":{"postId":170707803,"replyUrl":"/forums/newreply.php?s=e927c1a51f82ae77b2629aeed1d3e6c2&do=newreply&p=170707803","canReport":false,"commentReactions":{"reaction":{"like":{"id":25,"label":"Like","count":0},"funny":{"id":47,"label":"Funny","count":0},"helpful":{"id":50,"label":"Helpful","count":0},"notHelpful":{"id":26,"label":"Not helpful","count":0}},"form":{"endpoint":"/forums/sdpostrate_ajax.php","method":"POST","inputs":{"ajax":1,"do":"sdpostratevote","postid":170707803,"vote":0,"commentReactionId":47,"controltype":"modern","securitytoken":"","action_source":"Comment Reactions"}}},"isOldPost":true,"directReply":true,"isMod":false},"commentContent":{"htmlContent":"

\n \n \n \n


\n Quote\n from EricJ3237\n \n \n \n \n :\n

\n Any experience with this brand. Menards doesn't do reviews\n


\nIs Menards good","hideTimestamp":false,"timestampFormatted":"05-05-2024 at 05:53 PM.","isoDatetime":"2024-05-05T17:53:02-07:00","permalink":"/f/17383485-menard-s-2-0-cu-ft-bags-of-wood-mulch-black-brown-red-2-21-24-rebate?p=170707803#post170707803","postId":170707803},"commentSectionCommentFooter":[],"commentIsHelpful":null,"commentGiveRepPopover":{"username":"peterso2","userAvatar":"/attachment/avatar/2/5/9/6/4/9/150x150/avatar.normal?dateline=1520712326","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"peterso2 posted this comment. Say thanks"},"threadedReply":true}],"hasMoreReplies":false,"lastReplyId":170707803},"leaveAComment":{"avatarUrl":"/images/avatar-150.png","hiddenFormInputs":{"fromquickreply":true,"s":"e927c1a51f82ae77b2629aeed1d3e6c2","securitytoken":"guest","do":"postreply","t":17383485,"parseurl":true,"loggedinuser":false,"modern":true,"action_source":"Redesign Comment Inline-Reply","csrfToken":"18d8525cf3b36c855d110856ff.eU_dod9_LqLNiZOpfSo7SGGfSmMWsWUD6k5F5ldRUrU.OAW8mJogR_WI2sTFCxNuOQ7dEjRghScujWMcghUIK_89eqrji0p505m_4A"}},"commentSectionFooter":{"hasComments":false,"showThreadClosed":false,"newCommentUrl":"/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&t=17383485","pagination":{"first":[],"previous":[],"next":[],"last":[],"numbers":[{"label":"1"}],"currentPage":1},"currentPage":1,"totalPages":1},"guestUser":true,"threadedComments":true,"threadId":17383485,"commentSort":"oldest","commentSearch":{"threadId":17383485}}); const hostElement = document.getElementById('7d4a93c28e65bd6b0dafc51aa42ed8b2'); app.mount(hostElement); const scriptElm = document.querySelector("[data-vue-client='7d4a93c28e65bd6b0dafc51aa42ed8b2']"); if (scriptElm) { scriptElm.remove(); } }; if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", hydrate7d4a93c28e65bd6b0dafc51aa42ed8b2); } else { hydrate7d4a93c28e65bd6b0dafc51aa42ed8b2(); }

Menard's, 2.0 cu ft bags of wood mulch, black, brown, red, $2.21 + $.24 rebate (2024)


Which is better red black or brown mulch? ›

Brown mulch can soften the look of red brick, while black mulch will add to the crisp look of sharp, squared edges. Use red mulch to give a grounded look to a home with light-tone siding like white, cream or pale blue. Red mulch is especially well-suited to a palette of gold and warm tones.

Which color mulch lasts the longest? ›

Black mulch is often longer-lasting due to its darker color, so you can expect an entire season of uninterrupted use.

How many bags of mulch on a pallet at Menards per? ›

A standard pallet usually holds 65-70 average-size bags of mulch.

What type of mulch is best? ›

But, generally, using organic mulch made from wood chips or bark will be the best choice. It's one of the easiest and least expensive ways to ensure the long-term health and fertility of your soil and the health of your trees and shrubs.

What are the disadvantages of black mulch? ›

Black Mulch

But, since black attracts and retains sunlight and heat, this mulch cannot be used in areas with delicate plants. In cooler regions of the country, black mulch works well, but hot climates don't pair as well with black mulch, as it can affect plant growth.

Does mulch attract termites? ›

While the material itself does not draw termites to the area, mulch spread over three inches deep creates an inviting habitat for the pests. Layers of organic matter trap heat and moisture next to the ground. Termites use this thick mulch as shelter from harsh weather. Some kinds of mulch may even repel termites.

How much is 2 cubic feet of mulch? ›

Most bags of mulch hold 2 cubic feet. So there are 13.5 bags of mulch in a yard. An organic mulch, such as bark mulch and pine straw, offers many benefits to plants and soil. It helps hold in moisture, minimizes soil temperature fluctuations, keeps weeds at bay, and adds a decorative final touch.

How many bags of mulch equal a yard? ›

Q: How do I convert bags to cubic yards? A: There are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard. Most bagged mulch is sold in 2 cubic foot bags. So, for every 13.5 bags, you need one cubic yard.

How long can mulch stay in a bag? ›

That depends on where you store it. If you keep it sealed in the bag and in a cool, dry place it could last a year or so. If it's in a bag but outside, it may not last that long.

What mulch should not be used? ›

Finally, avoid large, bark type mulch or big wood chips. Since these big pieces take a long time to decompose, and they end up depriving the soil and plants of nutrients.

What mulch keeps bugs away? ›

Cedar Or Cypress Mulch

Chip or bark mulch is made from cypress or cedar trees and is very helpful for repelling bugs. Both cypress and cedar contain natural chemicals and oils like thujone that deter insects. Cedar chips repel, inhibit, or kill insects like: co*ckroaches.

Which mulch smells the best? ›

Cedar and cedar blends have a pleasant fragrance. Cedar lasts longer than other organic mulch and acts as a deterrent to insects, especially when it's fresh. Cypress blends also have a pleasant fragrance. Cypress can deter insects and fungi, and it retains water effectively.

What is the best mulch for selling a house? ›

Mulch and weed

Choose a utility mulch such as pine bark or forest fines, rather than typical 'gardener-preferred' options such as lucerne and sugarcane. Utility mulches look neater, and when you're selling it's less about function and more about appearance.

Why do people use red mulch? ›

Moisture Retention: Red mulch helps to retain moisture in the soil, which reduces the frequency of watering and helps to prevent soil erosion. Pest Control: Some types of red mulch, such as cedar and cypress, contain natural oils that repel pests like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas.

Does the color of mulch make a difference? ›

That makes choosing ornamental wood mulch a safe and decorative option. But here is a fun fact: the color of the mulch can actually affect the growth habits of the nearby plants! For instance, it makes good sense that black mulch does a better job of keeping the topsoil warm because it absorbs more heat and light.

Does red mulch attract bugs? ›

Dyed Red Mulch

Dyed mulches tend to last for about one season before fading or washing away due to rain or watering. They may also attract pests like termites or other insects, so it's important to keep an eye on them throughout the season.

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