Boa - 英中 – Linguee词典 (2024)

The Committee acknowledged the need to commence funding the Office’s liabilities for end-of-service and post-retirement


benefits in order to mitigate against related financial risks and

[...] in response to BOA recommendations [...]

over successive years.


[...] 休后的福利责任供资的必要性,以减轻有关的财务风险,并响 委员 会连续 几年的建议。

In addition, the Committee noted that a formal review


will be undertaken every two years, in

[...] consultation with the BOA, to assess the [...]

assumptions and projections against the reserves


held, and to make any required adjustments on a biennial basis, in line with the budget cycle and audit recommendations.

此外,委员会注意到,每隔两年将与 计委 员会 磋商,进行正式审查,以 便根据持有的准备金对假定和预测进行评估,并根据预算周期和审计建议每两年 [...]


At the United Nations, a BoA member can be [...]

re-appointed only after a break equivalent to one term.

联合审计委员会委员只有在离任一 个任期后方可重新当选。

As a matter of routine, work plans are shared with BOA and JIU and they are notified of audits at the planning stage and provided with copies of final reports.

( 联检组) 举行会议,以分享信息并尽量减少监 督活动的重叠。作为例行程序,监督厅内审司将工作计划提供给审计委员会和联 检组,并在规划阶段向它们通报各项审计工作及向其提供最后报告。

The Committee took into account the

[...] recommendations of the BOA and the United [...]

Nations Joint Inspection Unit, as well as best


practices from throughout the United Nations system.

委员会考 虑到审计委员会 和联合国联合检查组的建议以及联合国全系统的最佳做法。

In the United Nations, the BoA was concerned about the low rate of recommendations [...]

implementation, and the Management Committee


had promised concerted efforts towards emphasizing the need for and monitoring implementation, as noted by the IAAC (A/64/288, paras. 13 and 14).

如独咨询委员会 指出的那样,在联合国,审委员 会对建议执行率偏低感到关切,管理委员会已经 承诺要协同努力,突出强调有必要监测落实情况(A/64/288, [...]

第 13 段和第 14 段)。

The methodology for this review consisted of a preliminary desk review which included a review of publicly available documentation on accountability frameworks as well as research materials from past related JIU reports, General Assembly


documents related to accountability, organizations’ internal document and policies, and relevant

[...] oversight reports (BOA, OIOS).

本次检查的方法包括初步案头审查,其中审查了现有公开的各种关于问责 制框架的文献、以及来自联检组过去相关报告、大会关于问责制的各种文件、各

[...] 组织内部文件和政策、以(审计委 监督 厅)相关的监督报告的各种研究材料。

For more information on product specifications and ordering

[...] details, visit the BOA Pro page on the Teledyne [...]

DALSA website or contact your Teledyne


DALSA regional sales representative.


[...] Teledyne DALSA 站上 BOA Pro 页,或与 Teledyne [...]

DALSA 地区销售代表联系。

Legião da Boa Vontade and quality education: Founded on 1 January 1950, the Legião da Boa Vontade currently operates in more than 70 Brazilian cities, and is comprised of autonomous offices in Argentina, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Paraguay, [...] [...]

Uruguay, the United States of America and Portugal.

友善社和优质教育:友善社成立于 1950 年 1 月 1 日,目前在超过 70 个巴西 城市开展业务,并在阿根廷、玻利维亚多民族国、巴拉圭、乌拉圭、美利坚合众 国和葡萄牙设立了自治办事处。

The Inspector wishes to highlight that risk assessment is a prerequisite


for risk management and key to ensuring that project objectives are met, as

[...] confirmed by the BOA to UNDP89 and [...]


检查员谨希望强调,风险评估是风险管理的先决条件和确保实现项目目 标的关键,这是审委向开发署89 和人口基金90 确认无疑的。

Also at the same meeting, statements were also made by the following non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council: International Federation of University Women; Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations; Legião da Boa Vontade; Bahá’í International Community; World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts; International Federation “Terre des hommes”; New Future Foundation; World Vision International; Soroptimist International; European Disability Forum; Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice delle Salesiane di [...] [...]

Don Bosco; Convention of Independent Financial Advisors; United Network of Young Peacebuilders; Palestinian Centre for Human Rights; World Information Transfer; Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research; International Forum for Child Welfare; and World Jewellery Confederation.

也是在同次会议上,以下具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非政府组织也发 了言:大学妇女国际联合会、具有联合国咨商关系的非政府组织会议、友善社、 巴哈教国际联盟、世界女童子军协会、地球社国际联合会、新未来基金会、世界 展望国际组织、国际职业妇女会、欧洲残疾人论坛、圣母玛利亚国际研究所、独 立财务顾问会议、青年和平建设者网络、巴勒斯坦人权中心、世 界 信息传输机构、 主观经验和研究基金会、儿童福利国际论坛和世界珠宝联合会。

They should

[...] also regularly update their IPSAS adoption plans and budgets, in line with the BoA recommendation to UNHCR70 and UNRWA71 .

它们还应根据计委 给难民署70 和近东救 济工程处71 的建议,定期更新IPSAS实施计划和预算。

This report is presented at a time when UNFPA continues to address, as a top organizational priority,


the issues raised by the United Nations Board

[...] of Auditors (BOA) in its report [...]

(A/65/5/Add.7) which was issued with a qualification


on the financial statements for the biennium 2008-2009.

提交本报告时正值人口基金继续将联合国审计委员会 ( 审计委 )在 其报告 (A/65/5/Add.7)中提出的问题作为组织优先重点予以解决之时,2008-2009 [...]

两年 期财务报表对发布的报告予以了证明。


[...] this case, the BoA recommended that [...]

the Accounts Division should consider capitalizing renovation work carried


out on the United Nations Organization’s assets.

关于这种 情况,审计委议, 账目司应考虑将在联合国组织的资产中进行的装修工程加以 [...]


In 2011, to address the pending audit recommendations as well as the concerns of the Executive Board and BOA, UNFPA management established an audit monitoring committee, chaired by the Executive Director, to review the status of audit recommendations and the [...] [...]

actions taken by the business units to implement them.

2011 年,为处理未予落实的审建议 以及执行局和审计委的关切,人口基金 管理层建立了一个由执行主任主持的审计监督委员会,以便审查审计建议的状况 和业务部门为执行建议所采取的措施。

Embedding Sherlock inside our BOA smart camera offers a single-point solution [...]

with uncompromised design flexibility and integration resources.

将 Sherlock 嵌入 BOA能相机中 提供了一个丝毫无损于设计灵活性和集成资源的单机解决方案。

The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) noted in its report A/64/683 that the definition provided by the


Secretary-General lacked clarity and the

[...] Board of Auditors (BOA) remarked that it [...]

lacked reference to efficiency, effectiveness


and timeliness as well as the role of the oversight bodies.

行政和预算问题咨询委员会(行预咨委会)在 其A/64/683

[...] 号报告中指出,秘书长提出的定义不明确, 计委 员会(审 计委 )表 示 该定义没有提及效率、实效和及时性,也没提及监督机构的作用。

As part of its programme of work for 2009, the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU),


based on its initiative and that of the

[...] Board of Auditors (BOA), conducted an evaluation [...]

entitled “Selection and Conditions


of Service of Executive Heads in the United Nations System Organizations”.

作为其 2009

[...] 年工作方案的组成部分,联合检查组(联检组)根据其本身的倡议 和计委员会(审计委)的 倡议进行了题为“联合国系统各组织行政首长的甄选和 [...]


For this reason, the Legião da Boa Vontade promotes discussions on education with a different approach: “a view beyond the intellect”, as extolled by educator Paiva Netto.

为此,如教育工作者 Paiva Netto 所颂扬的样, 善社以一种截然不同的方式推动关于教育的讨论,即:“超出智力的观点”。

In this connection, a difference was noted between the authority of IAAC (over OIOS and the funds and programmes covered by OIOS such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), UNEP, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), UNHCR and the Office of the


United Nations High Commissioner for Human

[...] Rights) and the BoA authority (over [...]

the United Nations and other funds and programmes






[...] 办事处(毒品和犯罪问题办事处)、难民署和联合国人权事务高级专员办事处)的权限 与联合国计委(对 联合国以及其他基金和规划署,例如开发署、人口基金、儿 [...]


These reviews are done

[...] continually to allow BOA to determine [...]

the level of confidence and reliance that it can place on the work of OAI.

这种审查持续展开,使审计委得以决 定它对审调 处工作的信任和依赖程度。

The views of the IPSAS Board, IFAC, the United Nations Board of Auditors (BoA) and the French Government were also sought.

还征求了国际公共部门会计准则委员会、 国际会计师联合会、联合国审计员委员会和法国政府的意见。

Ms. Gonzalez implemented best practices across all BoA foreign branches for Fixed Income Operations and received an excellence award [...]

for outstanding performance.

Gonzalez 女士在美国银行所有固定收益业务境外分支机构实施最佳实践,并因出色表现而获得嘉奖。

For this reason, the BOA, when auditing the [...]

FS of the United Nations for the biennium 2006-2007, recommended that the Organization


continually review its milestones towards IPSAS implementation.

因此,审计委在审 计联合国 20062007 年两年期财务报表时建议,该组织应不断审查 [...]

IPSAS 实施的阶段性成绩。

OIOS will

[...] discuss this with BOA in the preparation [...]

of the 2012 work plan, along with ways to improve coordination on planning


and discussion of results of the work carried out.

2012 年工计划时与审计委员会 讨论该事项,以及如何更好地协 调规划工作,并讨论所开展工作的结果。

Interviews were held in Geneva, New York, Washington D.C., Vienna, Rome, Paris and Bern with officials of 26 organizations, of

[...] [...] which 16 were JIU participating organizations,1 and 10 were other international organizations.2 In addition, meetings were conducted with officials of the BOA, the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) Secretariat and the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), as well as with [...] [...]

officials of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs of Austria, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland and the United States Department of State.

2 此外,联检组还会见了审计委、联合国系统行 政首长协调委员会(行政首长协调会)秘书处和国际公务员制度委员会(公务员制度 委员会)的官员,以及奥地利联邦欧洲和国际事务部、意大利外交部、瑞士联邦 外交部和美国国务院的官员。

Stemming from various proposals made notably by the Food and Agriculture


Organization (FAO), the United Nations Board

[...] of Auditors (BoA) and the United [...]

Nations Department for General Assembly and


Conference Management (DGACM), the evaluation on “Multilingualism in the United Nations system organizations: status of implementation” was included in the 2010 programme of work of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) to review different aspects related to languages services and uses within the United Nations system.

源于粮食和农业组织、联合 审计委员 会和 联合国大会和会议管理事务部提出 [...]

的各项建议,题为“联合国系统各组织的多种语文制度:执行情况”的评价项目被 列入 2010 年联合检查组工作方案,以审查联合国系统内语文服务和使用的不同方 面。

The single audit principle is intended to provide cost-effectiveness, in that one audit is conducted in lieu of multiple audits of individual programmes.89 On the basis of United


Nations Financial Regulation 7.6, which

[...] provides that the BoA is solely responsible [...]

for the conduct of the external audit,


the PEA has taken an official position on this issue in several instances and has written on numerous occasions to the SecretaryGeneral as Chairman of the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC, now the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination).

89 《联合国财务条例》第 7.6

[...] 条规定,由审计委员会单独负责外部审计 工作,外团依据该 规定在不同场合就这一问题表明了正式立场,并且多次致 [...]

函兼任行政协调委员会(行政协调会,现为联合国系统行政首脑协调委员会)主席的 秘书长。

(a) Project Governance: In addition to the existing Project Governance which includes the Deputy High Commissioner as Executive Sponsor, the Controller as Project Owner, the Business Owners Committee representing the business units impacted by IPSAS, and the Steering Committee consisting of Directors of Divisions and Regional


Bureaux, regular consultations with the Board

[...] of Auditors (BOA) and the Office [...]

of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) were


initiated in June 2011 to review project strategy, plan and key deliverables of the project.

(a) 项目管理:目前的项目管理由副高级专员作为行政发起人,财务主管

[...] 作为项目所有人,业主委员会代表受到《公共部 会计准则 》影 响的企业单位, 指导委员会由各司的司长和区域局主管组成,除此以外还在

In 2009, BOA assessed the OAI review process for audits conducted by appointed auditors of projects implemented by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and/or national governments (known as NGO/NIM projects), as well as the OAI audit of global [...]


2009 年,审计委评估了审调处针对获任命的审计员对非政府组织和(或)各国 政府的执行项目(称为非政府组织/国家执行方式项目)的审计的审查过程,并评 估了审调处对全球薪金的审计。

Boa - 英中  – Linguee词典 (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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Job: International Farming Consultant

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.